How Adaptive Reuse and Infill Development is transforming LoDo

There is a finite amount of usefulness in a building. The IRS guidelines for commercial depreciation is 39 years, 27.5 for residential. The inception of a building begins with the original footprint designed for a specific purpose and a specific tenant. When its purpose as well as its functionality have been exhausted, the building’s owner…

Coming soon to your neighborhood…

As you drive down major corridors like Wadsworth Blvd., Colorado Blvd., Alameda Ave. or Belleview Ave., you may have noticed more cameras. The cameras are a part of the technology used for the Colorado Smart Cities Alliance, an initiative that helps participating cities improve the management of their infrastructure. Cameras and sensors will help cities…

How does Denver’s real estate market compare to the global market?

There are key factors that attract investors, and by far location is the biggest influence. These key factors include: location of the property, valuation of the property, cash flow/profit opportunities, and investment scope—clear purpose of investment, and well-defined terms (short- vs. long-term). But location affects the valuation and cash flow/profit opportunities to a great degree.…