The Overland Park neighborhood was founded in 1979 around the Overland Park and is bordered by Mississippi Avenue on the north, Yale Avenue in the south, Lincoln Avenue on the East and the Platte River on the west. It has a rich history that includes the Montana City settlement predating Denver, two main thoroughfares in Broadway and Santa Fe, a light rail stop and the oldest golf course west of the Mississippi River.



And homes remain affordable, leading to an influx of younger buyers as the cost of living skyrockets in other parts of the city. Residents of the neighborhood — which runs from the South Platte east to Broadway and Mississippi Avenue south to Yale Avenue — know change is coming, but how much and where will remain to be seen.

The neighborhood is mostly single-family homes with some duplexes and the Evans Station Lofts bordering the Evans light rail station off of Santa Fe Drive. More apartments are planned in the area as the old Shattuck Chemical site, which was part of a massive government waste cleanup, is under contract for more units.