Urban Collaborative offers choice and customization when building a real estate portfolio. Our 360° view of global real estate allows us to deliver a broad range of diverse, customized real estate solutions designed to help meet your risk and return objectives.

  • We offer construction and renovation services that help investors improve the value of their rental home portfolio and achieve the highest and best market rent. In addition, our maintenance services ensure that the property is in excellent condition between tenants. Urban Collaborative’s rental collection and tenant management services provide property owners reliable and efficient rental income collection, while we perform maintenance services ensuring tenants receive the highest and best service.
  • Urban Collaborative simplifies the challenges of managing diverse real estate portfolios through an asset-level strategic approach. This, coupled with a configurable workflow and proprietary modeling, mitigates risk while driving optimal execution. As a best-in-class service provider, Urban Collaborative’s client-centric design ensures clients will benefit from various solutions, including traditional asset management, component REO solutions, market strategy development and analysis, and auction services.